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Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Faisalabad - 03003778222

25/يونيو/2024 02:47   الملابس والأزياء   الظهران   6 مشاهدات رقم الاعلانس: 3898

موقعك: الظهران

السعر: 1,999 ﷼

How do you use Bio Beauty cream?

Massage the cream on your breasts for 3 to 5 minutes, twice a day. Massage is very important since it ensures that the product is effectively absorbed into the skin without getting lost in your clothing. This will help you in toning up your breast tissues for that beautiful firm look.

Do breast lifting creams work?

The verdict? Breast lift cream can help to increase breast firmness for patients with very mild ptosis and is mainly to prevent general ageing. This is much like the way skincare is not a replacement for a face lift but can be seen as a way to delay the need for a facelift.

What is bio cream used for?

Boosting original, time tested Bio Cream with proprietary peptides to support collagen and elastin production. Addresses signs of aging including uneven tone and texture, wrinkles, and sagginess in as little as 14 days.

100% Original Product Available Order Now

Bio Beauty Breast Cream Price is Rs : 1,999 PKR